Attended conferences and talks given
P. Bakić attended the Joint Mathematics Meetings
at Moscone Center, San Francisco, USA, January 3-6, 2024,
and organized the Special Session on the Theta Correspondence
on January 3, 2024.
P. Bakić gave the talk "Theta correspondence and Arthur packets"
at the Number Theory Seminar of the Utah State University, USA,
26 March, 2024.
P. Bakić attended
the conference Representation Theory and Lie Groups -
in celebration of the career of Jeffrey Adams,
Brin Mathematics Research Center, University of Maryland, USA, October 14-17, 2024.
P. Bakić gave the talk "Theta correspondence and Arthur packets"
at the Mathematics Seminar of the Montana State University, USA,
October 28, 2024.
D. Ban gave the talk "Jacquet tensors on Iwasawa modules" at the
AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting,
Special Session on Automorphic Forms and Langlands Program
at the Howard University, Washington DC, USA, April 6-7, 2024.
- B. Bošnjak gave the talk "An irreducibility criterion for
representations induced from essentially Speh representations
and a representation of Arthur type" at the Seminar
Algebra and Number Theory, University of Vienna, Austria,
May 14, 2024.
- B. Bošnjak gave the talk "Parabolička indukcija iz esencijalno
Speh reprezentacija i reprezentacije Arthurovog tipa
[Parabolic induction from essentially Speh representations and
a representation of Arthur type]"
at the Unitary Representations and Automorphic Forms Seminar,
University of Zagreb, Croatia,
September 23, 2024.
- B. Bošnjak gave the talk "Teorija reprezentacija p-adskih grupa
u Langlandsovom programu
[Representation theory of p-adic groups within the Langlands program]"
at the Scientific Colloquium of the Croatian Mathematical Society
in Zagreb, Croatia,
November 6, 2024.
- I. Ciganović gave the talk "Kompozicioni nizovi nekih reprezentacija
induciranih iz dva segmenta u slučaju kuspidalne reducibilnosti jedne
[Composition series of certain representations induced from two segments
in the case of one-half cuspidal reducibility]"
at the Unitary Representations and Automorphic Forms Seminar,
University of Zagreb, Croatia,
September 30, 2024.
H. Grobner gave the talk "On the cohomology of SL(n,Z) in the non-stable range"
at the Seminar Algebra and Number Theory,
University of Vienna, Austria, January 16, 2024.
H. Grobner gave the talk "On the cohomology of SL(n,Z) beyond the stable range"
at the Number Theory Seminar,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 10, 2024.
H. Grobner attended the conference Periods in algebraic geometry and
automorphic forms, 6th Nisyros conference on Automorphic Representations
& Related Topics, held in Nisyros, Greece, July 22-27, 2024.
H. Grobner attended the conference Representations of p-adic Groups and
the Langlands Correspondence, in honor of Colin Bushnell, held at
King's College London, UK, September 2-4, 2024.
H. Grobner gave the talk "On the cohomology of SL(n,Z) beyond the 'stable range'"
at the online seminar International Seminar on Automorphic Forms,
October 22, 2024.
H. Grobner organized the workshop Arithmetica Transalpina held at
the University of Milan, Italy, November 15, 2024.
- M. Hanzer gave the talk "On theta correspondence and Arthur parameters"
at the Seminar Algebra and Number Theory, University of Vienna, Austria,
May 28, 2024.
M. Hanzer and A. Mínguez attended the workshop
Representations of p-adic Groups at
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO), Germany,
December 1-6, 2024.
G. Savin gave the talk "Exceptional dual pairs where one member is SL(3)"
at the Conference on Representations of Real Reductive Groups and
Theta Correspondence, TianYuan Mathematics Research Center,
Yunan, China, July 21-27, 2024.
G. Savin gave the talk "A family of exceptional dual pairs where
one member is the triality D_4"
at the conference Representation Theory and Lie Groups -
in celebration of the career of Jeffrey Adams,
Brin Mathematics Research Center, University of Maryland, USA, October 14-17, 2024.
M. Tadić gave the talk "On the problem of unitarizability in the case of
classical p-adic groups and relation to the automorphic representations"
at the seminar Théorie géométrique des représentations,
Collège de France, Paris, France, May 24, 2024.
The 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress in
Osijek, Croatia, July 2-5, 2024, was attended by B. Bošnjak, and
D. Brajković Zorić gave the talk "Aubert involution on the unitary dual
of SO(7) supported on the minimal parabolic subgroup",
I. Ciganović gave the talk "Induced representations of p-adic classical groups
in the case of two segments and one half cuspidal reducibility",
M. Hanzer gave the plenary lecture "On Eisenstein series",
I. Kodrnja gave the talk "Polynomials vanishing on cusp forms for Γ_0(N)",
I. Matić gave the invited lecture "Reducibility and composition factors of
induced representations",
S. Žunar gave the talk "Vector-valued Siegel modular forms and Poincaré series".
- G. Muić, M. Hanzer and N. Grbac were invited speakers at the
public presentation of the special issue of the journal
Rad HAZU - Matematičke znanosti dedicated to Marko Tadić,
held in the Library of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Zagreb, Croatia, September 12, 2024.