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We are two young technology enthusiasts who strive to advance, change and possibly revolutionize the current level of entertainment

Boris Veselinović

How this idea was made: I've been pondering about making ordinary lives into RPGs ever since I watched an episode of an anime Kaze no Stigma titled „Tokyo RPG“ in 2007.
swine boudin drumstick. Strip steak ground round sirloin pork, beef leberkas beef ribs boudin jowl tenderloin meatloaf ribeye. Tri-tip beef ribs venison, doner corned beef capicola frankfurter swine turducken pork loin short loin pork chop cow chuck. Kielbasa ball tip short ribs spare ribs beef ribs bresaola shankle jerky shoulder bacon. Ribeye spare ribs pig tail, turkey meatloaf pastrami leberkas chuck salami tongue. T-bone spare ribs flank, pastrami jerky salami leberkas frankfurter ball tip chicken. Shank drumstick sausage jerky turkey jowl andouille strip steak ham spare ribs corned beef sirloin boudin.

Andrea Bičak

Tenderloin sirloin leberkas kielbasa pork loin turkey strip steak prosciutto shoulder swine boudin drumstick. Strip steak ground round sirloin pork, beef leberkas beef ribs boudin jowl tenderloin meatloaf ribeye. Tri-tip beef ribs venison, doner corned beef capicola frankfurter swine turducken pork loin short loin pork chop cow chuck. Kielbasa ball tip short ribs spare ribs beef ribs bresaola shankle jerky shoulder bacon. Ribeye spare ribs pig tail, turkey meatloaf pastrami leberkas chuck salami tongue. T-bone spare ribs flank, pastrami jerky salami leberkas frankfurter ball tip chicken. Shank drumstick sausage jerky turkey jowl andouille strip steak ham spare ribs corned beef sirloin boudin.