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Frequently Asked Questions

What is this, I don't even?

The idea behind my website is the creation of a game which would make trivial and/or boring everyday chores or jobs (dishwashing, room cleaning, etc.) more rewarding, and more important: fun. But that is not where my idea stops, deer lord no, it just begins: instead of sitting on your arse and reading this, we challenge you to live your life to its full potential in my game... the game... of LIFE!!1!1! with the help of google glass

It sounds stupid, how does it even work?

First of all you need to have an account here, own a google glass device and install our app, then it works in the following way:
For example,let's say we put up a "challenge" for gaining double popularity points in which out users should take a picture with a McDonald's employee or record a video of themselves (using Glass with our app running - which would determine are you really in a McDonald's restaurant using GPS) eating 6 cheeseburgers under 3 minutes (p.s. yo' momma sounds stupid)

Does it even lift? but does it blend? the rest is coming soon to the Internets near you~